I am always saving boxes and containers. Sometimes they just get stored forever until I am forced to put them in the recycle bin, however, this cardboard box really caught my attention. My husband loves bottled water. I buy a certain brand out of habit I guess, but I keep saving the cardboard bottoms from every package I buy. Most of them are currently full of items in my studio but one got a make-over.

To me, the cardboard box looked like it would fit perfectly in the slot on my cabinet. They ended up being about 1/2 inch too tall and 1/2 inch too long so I cut the top down and re-folded the ends and glued them back in order to make the box fit. Then I decorated the front with paper and created and handle out of the discarded cardboard. The handle was decorated with matching paper and glued into place. I am very happy that this worked! I have several emply slots and LOTS of items that could be placed in a drawer. :)

This was such a fun project! I have a few more "drawers" that I can make now and I am headed to the grocery store tomorrow for more bottled water. :) Now, I just have to do something with the many other containers I've saved!